Think TANK: Social and Emotional Learning

In this class we will “prepare productive citizens and lifelong learners by addressing the Social and Emotional (SEL) needs of all students.” Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), as defined by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) is “the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. SEL is a powerful mechanism for instilling long-term social and emotional resilience and addressing student trauma, SEL improves our students’ attitudes toward learning and their self-efficacy. Students who receive social-emotional interventions early and throughout their learning careers demonstrate impressive and measurable benefits later on in life.

THINK TANK will FOCUS on the following social and emotional skills throughout the year.

Perfect 10 Mindful Skills

Self-Awareness  Desire to improve self and awareness of strengths/limitations

Growth Mindset Praising and rewarding effort

Conflict Resolution Peer mediation approach, listening, creative writing

Self-Management Management of emotional intelligence

Endurance Emotional stability, perspective, readiness for change, detachment, strength under stress, focus, preparation for challenges

Empathy Make caring for others a priority, help children develop self-control and manage feelings effectively

Relationship Building Teach acceptable actions to promote and maintain positive connections

Responsible Decision Making Increase problem-solving skills and accepting responsibility for decisions

Social Awareness Capability to interact with others in a positive manner

Communication Reinforce active listening, ask open-ended questions, use tasks and activities that foster critical thinking

To learn more about School-Connect, our social and emotional learning platform, you can visit the website below.